1. Hengade N., Eldho T. I, and Ghosh S. (2018). Relative Impact of Climate Change and Land Cover Changes over Godavari River Basin. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, J. Earth Syst. Sci. (In Press).
2. Narendra Hengade, T. I. Eldho & Subimal Ghosh (2018). Climate change impact assessment of a river basin using CMIP5 climate models and the VIC hydrological model, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63(4), 596-614.
3. Hengade N. and Eldho T.I. (2016). Assessment of LULC and climate change on the hydrology of Ashti catchment, India using VIC Model. J. Earth Syst. Sci. 1258: 1623–1634.
4. Reddy V. K., Eldho, T. I., Rao, E.P., and Hengade, N., (2007), A kinematic wave based distributed watershed model using FEM, GIS and remotely sensed data, Journal of Hydrological Processes, 2007, Vol. 21 (4).
Book Chapter
1. Hengade N., Eldho T. I, and Ghosh S. (2016). Hydrologic Simulation of a Large Catchment using the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model. Water Science and Technology Library, 75, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-55125-8-2: 19-30
Conference Paper
1. Hengade N., Eldho T.I. and Ghosh S. (2013). Rainfall Runoff Modelling of large Catchment – A Case-Study of Upper Godavari River Basin”, Proceedings of HYDRO 2013 INTERNATIONAL, 4-6 Dec 2013, IIT Madras, Chennai, INDIA.